• Millions of people are working from home because of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • For many, that means sharing their work area with pets who don’t understand business etiquette.
  • People are taking to Twitter to detail the behavior of their “coworkers,” sharing heartwarming and funny anecdotes and photos of their pets.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

Many states have implemented stay-at-home orders as a result of the coronavirus, forcing people throughout the United States to work from their houses or apartments.

As a result, Americans are finding themselves working with their pets nearby, and their furry friends aren’t always the most cooperative office mates, sitting on their computers or demanding attention during work hours.

In response, people are taking to Twitter to talk about their pets as “coworkers,” captioning photos of their animals as if they are people in an office.


Many people are using the meme format as an opportunity to show off how adorable their pets are

For instance, this puppy who received a punny promotion is almost too cute.


A cute kitten is a dream desk mate.


Sleepy puppies also make great work buddies.

Who wouldn't want to work with those floppy ears?

He should be promoted immediately.

Other pet owners are choosing to focus on how funny the actions of their animals would be if people did them in an office

This cat who is clawing at a door wouldn't do well in the corporate world.


Neither would this cat who can't keep away from the toilet.


This cat who can't stop biting also wouldn't make the workplace cut.

And last time I checked, licking your coworkers' computers isn't generally allowed.


Some pet colleagues don't understand the meaning of personal space, which makes for particularly funny tweets

No word yet on what HR can do about a dog who needs attention.

This cat also wants to get in on the work action.

This pup thinks their owner's desk belongs to them.


And sniffing isn't usually allowed at work either.

I would probably let a coworker who was that cute sniff me too, though.

But most of the tweets just show that pets want their owners to spend some time with them while they get their work done



You can see more of the pet memes on Twitter.

And if you've been contemplating adding an animal to your life while working from home, experts say fostering or adopting during the pandemic can actually be great for pets and people.

You can read more about it here.